Hans Asperger: A response to latest revelations on his war record

In recent times certain research by Herwig Czech, of the work of Hans Asperger, an Austrian physician, after whom Asperger Syndrome, (a form of autism), is named after, has laid charges on Hans Asperger of collaboration with Third Reich ideals of genetic purity by sending disabled children to Am Spiegelgrund a “clinic” where they would be killed.

These revelations have caused much pain and hurt for those with a diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome, with some being ashamed and not wishing to use that diagnosis or feeling dirty.

Continue reading Hans Asperger: A response to latest revelations on his war record

It is not just the dead of the two world wars

Today I attended a brief service at the war memorial at Old Eldon Square in Newcastle. The old soldiers were there, WWII veterans now as we have lost our veterans from WWI. Also there were school children with their teachers.

The crowd I became a part of assembled and a cleric said a few words followed by some military person who blew a whistle to mark and end the two minute silence. At the end more words from the cleric and then we started to disperse.

At this point I went up to the war memorial to see a box with medals on display, next to it was the photo of a man in more recent modern military gear. The kind worn in campaigns in Iraq or Afghanistan. Then an elderly woman started to weep. I took no photos of this image as that would have been an intrusion. It seems obvious that this must have been her son, killed in action in either of those two recent theatres of operation, to use the military euphemism.

That photo and that  woman crying over her dead son had more pathos to me than the dates on the memorial of the two world wars. Yes, people fought and sometimes gave their lives in those wars an we honour them, my own paternal grandfather served at one of the major sea battles in WWI in the Royal Navy, but to those young people, like the children with their teachers, that is ancient history. But the women and the photo are more recent and the grief is still raw and this shows that even today men and women put themselves in harms way to keep us and others safe.

So as we remember those who gave their lives in the two world wars that , please let us not forget those who gave their lives in other conflicts since then and the conflicts still going on around the world today.

Are we on destined to repeat a dark piece of history

I know the title may seem melodramatic, but as I look out at the current Conservative leadership contest and the issue of EU citizens in the UK since the vote to leave the EU, I once again see a theoretical path where certain  obscenities we once thought consigned to the dark history of the 20th century, could be resurrected here in our green and pleasant land. And this theoretical path is nauseating and one I had hoped we were steering away from.

Continue reading Are we on destined to repeat a dark piece of history

Darkness rising – Is there a Francis Francis Urquhart on the horizon?

Today has been a shocker for news, as the long expected favourite to replace David Cameron as PM, Boris Johnson announced he was dropping out of running for the job. In his place is what was his right hand man in the Vote Leave campaign, Michael Gove

Anyone who remembers UK TV in the early 1990’s may remember the original House of Cards, starring Ian Richardson,  could be forgiven for thinking this was a plot from that series and it’s successor stories, To Play the King and The Final Cut.

Continue reading Darkness rising – Is there a Francis Francis Urquhart on the horizon?

A glimour of light or a false dawn?

In my previous blog I put forward the nightmare vision of on coming internment camps for foreign nationals brought about by far right Neo-Nazi groups who use the referendum vote to force their will upon us, with a new Prime Minister completely under their thumb.

Indeed I have seen the start of the road to that dark vision, but I am hoping desperately that there are signs that we might leave that dark path.

Continue reading A glimour of light or a false dawn?